Category Archives: Blogging

One Lovely Blog Hop!


This blog hop is designed to show our readers a more personal side. We list seven interesting facts to help cast light onto that tough writer’s persona we all like to project. But I am human and like everyone else I have dreams, hobbies, problems and goals. I see this as a way to share some of them with you, my readers.

The rules are that I share 7 Lovely Facts about myself, and links to a few blogs that I enjoy reading. If I’ve nominated your blog, please don’t feel any obligation to join in, but if you do please link back to the blog of the person who nominated you (that would be me), share 7 facts about yourself and nominate 15 blogs (or as many as you can).

There are so many blogs that I love to haunt from time to time and though I’m a twitter addict, its nice to get an expanded view of others and what’s really going on in their writing and personal life when able. I have to thank Chess Desalls, a fellow indiebooksbeseen author friend for pointing toward my blog in her post! She’s uber supportive of the indie book movement and if you haven’t checked out her book, Travel Glasses then you’re missing out!

Here are 7 Lovely Facts about me:

1) My folks love to tell people that I took dance lessons for 9 years, quitting before the 10th year, which was free if you’d participated for the previous 9 years. I took 9 years of tap, ballet and jazz, giving up only to play in the high school band! I still love to dance every chance I get, but instead of tapping to Fred Astaire or showing the kids the latest moves in the club, I’ve moved to the next phase of life – embarrassing my kids with my genius moves. Sprinkler anyone? I don’t know the guy in this demo video below, but I sure wish I did.

2) I am married to my best friend, my soul mate and the cutest boy in the room on all occasions. I met Jacob when I was 6 at church and we grew up together to some degree. I’m a couple of years older than him and he likes to remind me of that. He’s my second and FINAL husband, but outside of that he is my rock and my supporter. No matter how many crazy ideas I have or how many times I change jobs or shirts for a date, he’s always right there with a compliment and full support. I’m beyond blessed because he loves me.

Back Camera

3) I have my BA in Accounting, my CPA certification in Texas and my Masters in Theology. I’m a bit of an overachiever and where my mind works very much like a mathematician and type A freakazoid, there is still a lot happening on the artistic side of my skull. I got the BA in accounting because I love math and structure and my first Acct class was a total breeze. I think with accounting you either get it or ya don’t. The MA in Theology was to better support the bible studies I teach at church and work.

4) I play a little on the piano, namely so that I could have music behind my voice when I write songs. Most of them are worship songs, but some aren’t. I have a link below to one of my favorites. Hope you like it. That is me playing my discordant piano and singing the melody and harmony. Fun stuff!

5) I have 3 kids – the best 3 kids in the universe. My oldest girl (soon to be 16) is our planner, the brain, the overachiever and uber tattler. My middle girl (soon to be 15) is out JV basketball star. She’s the point guard for her school and plays select when its not basketball season. My little guy (9) plays basketball too and loves his Xbox more than he loves all the rest of us put together. Pic below they sent me recently with a text msg that said, “We’re going banana’s without you mom!” 🙂


6) I sit on the Governing Board of Directors as the Administrative Assistant for Rave Review Book Club. (#RRBC) I love this club and can’t believe I just recently found out about them. I’m an extreme optimist and an encourager of people. This club has the same mentality that I live by. If you’re an author, then let me put my plug in right here… Go join this review club and come see what Indie support looks like. Tell them I sent you. The lovely fact about me here is that I LOVE THESE PEEPS!

7) I often use this face when I’m face with that odd “ice-breaker” question, “Tell us your name and an interesting fact about you.” This one takes the cake every time and just because I love you guys… I have a youtube video below of the best fact about me. I can vibrate my eyeballs. 🙂 Check it out and don’t mind the goofy laugh. I entertain myself, what can I say? 😛

That’s a little about me.

Some of my favorite bloggers are listed below. Check them and their fantastical books out!

K.K. Allen is a young adult writer and author of the Summer Solstice Series. The first book in the series, Enchanted is available on Amazon and let me tell you – it’s AWESOME. I read it in a two day period and I didn’t have time to read it, but I made time. Fantastic story teller. She’s a great friend, positive supporter of all things indie and ridiculously cute. That should not make you buy her book, but it doesn’t hurt. Her blog is beautifully put together and gives relevant information about her series and all of the fun giveaways and activities that she stays busy with. She is the Member of the Month for RRBC as well!

Helen Treharne is an urban/supernatural fantasy author with more talent and personality than most of us have ever seen. She is authentic and kind, supportive and just one of my favorite indie author peeps. Her debut novel, Relative Strangers: A Modern Vampire Story was a great read. I couldn’t put it down and cannot wait for the sequel, which she promises she is working on! She has an alarming affinity for tea and you’ll know that quickly when you check out her blog, “Tea Talks.” It’s recently been redesigned and I LOVE how often she reviews other indie author books and just shares life with her readers. Check her out – she’s good people! Check out all of her works here.

D.E.L. Conner is the young adult author of the Spirit Warriors Series. Having released The Concealing and The Scarring I know her fans anxiously await her third book in the series. Della and I met recently in person at the Texas Teen Book Festival and hit it off immediately. To come back home and realize she was part of RRBC and uber supportive of indie authors herself made me love her even more. Her laugh is beautiful and she lives life to the fullest, teaching nursing students by day and writing stories that bedazzle us by night! Check out her blog and shoot her a note if you have questions about her stories, her experiences or her publisher Booktrope. She’s a total jewel.

Scott A. Mulraney is a young adult fiction writer and was one of my first pals I made within the social media author circles. His blog is always so incredibly informative and just a fantastic place to go to keep up with that’s happening in the news related to publishing, sales advantages and writing in general. The man is a plethora of knowledge and has more first names than I care to mention. Check out his YA fantasy trilogy, Danny Dirks and follow all of the adventures he takes you on. Or check out his YA sci-fi adventure series, Liquid Blue. Orrrrrrrr check out his adult suspense thrillers, Trilogy of Six. He’s amazingly talented and honestly one of the best guys I’ve met in these lovely circles. Check him out – you won’t be disappointed.

D B Nielsen, author of SEED: Keepers of Genesis I is a lover of history and that is obvious and apparent in the beautiful setting and rich history in this book. A huge supporter of Indiebooksbeseen and an elaborate party thrower, you couldn’t find a better author buddy than DB. There is a special page on DB’s website where fans have sent in selfies holding the book and I’m just taken by how inventive that was and how much it shows that DB cares about the readers and the hard-core fans. Check this author out. You will be quickly swept away to another place and longing for the moment to never end!

Go out and buy some Indie books and help support those with a great story to tell! Thanks for reading through this. I hope you enjoyed it and got a little from it! I LOVED doing it. ❤