Category Archives: Blog Tour

Blog Tour: RRBC’s own… Harmony Kent

I’m more than happy to welcome a new friend and fellow member of Rave Reviews Book Club to my blog today in honor of her being in the bright spotlight and on her blog tour. Harmony – thanks for coming by!!

Harmony Kent

Hi there! This is the eleventh day of my RRBC Spotlight blog tour. You can find details of all my stops here.

There have been times in my life when I have felt utterly bereft. Utterly alone. Interestingly enough, the time of my life-changing injury was not one of those times. I felt scared, yes, but never alone.

The root of the word alone is ‘All One’. I find that fascinating. As it is that very realisation—that we are never truly alone—that has helped me to keep going through all the trials and tribulations of life. The realisation that we are ‘All One’ has some profound and far-reaching effects. At least, it did for me.

I think I knew this as a very young child, but my life experience wasn’t one that re-enforced or supported this knowledge. So, it kind of got squashed along the way, and all too soon my awareness of it disappeared altogether. I may have forgotten it, but it most certainly hadn’t forgotten me.

I remember, vividly, the point at which I first became aware of myself as a separate person. I was five. It was on one of the extremely rare occasions that we went out as a family. We were in some café—the details of the surroundings are vague. Fuzzy. What I remember clearly is that I had just asked one of my (many) ‘Why?’ questions. I was such a curious child—always wanting to know the hows and whys of everything around me.

The adult with me responded harshly, with words to the effect: ‘Shh. You’re always so loud. We can’t take you anywhere.’ The adult’s embarrassment was nothing compared to my mortification and deep shame. I remember looking at the floor and wishing I’d never been born. Five years old. Not too much time passed before I stopped asking at all.

Until that point, I had been operating within a unified universe. There was no sense of a separate ‘self’ from those around me. I look back at that time with sadness, especially when I see that my first experience of myself was one of deep shame, and deep, deep pain.

It took thirteen years as an ordained Buddhist Monk, living under monastic vows, and meditating daily, to undo that rift. To realise the truth of unity once more. I believe I chose the order and the temple I did, because it offered complete equality. I had encountered so much prejudice for being a female, that I was heartily sick of it. In the order I ordained with, both men and women could be ordained fully, and rise up the ranks equally.

Even though I am no longer ordained, I look back on those years with gratitude. I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.

I have looked death in the face three times now, and twice—amidst the fear and regret—I experienced that ‘All One’-ness. So, these days, when my inevitable doubts and inadequacies arise, I am able to see that there is more. My sense of self, which remains ever separate, is only a small part of a much bigger picture. Both have reality, and both need to be allowed.

It is this re-found knowledge that has given me the strength to persevere through everything. And, not only that, but to thrive. I have received a number of requests to write a memoir of my experiences, but I’m still not sure . . . perhaps one day. I suppose, if it helps even just one person, then it is worth doing.

As it is, I am very at home writing fiction. And, some of the magic of my life manages to find its way into my novels. How could it possibly not? I believe that art is The Great Inspirer. It is also a tremendous Transformer.

I have a lot of fun during the writing process, but that pales when compared to my joy when I read a review that tells me a reader thoroughly enjoyed one of my books. If even for only a little while, some of that magic has entered their lives too.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my post.

For information on my latest book, please read on.

3D-Book cover Elemental Earth

Elemental Earth (Book 1 of The Mysteries)

Young Adult Fantasy Fiction

“You turned the god of gnomes into a garden ornament?”

Sarah looked closely, but couldn’t tell if her dad was annoyed or amused—perhaps he was both …

Whilst 15 year old Sarah may be struggling to regain her feet, after being ripped from her everyday mundane life and ending up in a whole new dimension, she still knows how to have a bit of fun along the way. The Earth Elemental isn’t the only one whose feathers she manages to ruffle, and it’s only been four days. Meanwhile, her best friend is missing, and big trouble is brewing. She soon has a lot more to worry about than what happened to her phone or iPod, or even how much of an idiot Caleb obviously thinks she is.

Elemental Earth is the first book in The Mysteries series, and is aimed at Young Adults. Even if you’ve already reached an age where the young ones might call you ‘old enough’, if you’re still young at heart then you’re bound to enjoy these books just as much as the next—err—younger adult.

Age aside, perhaps we should be more worried about what further havoc Sarah’s antics might be about to wreak on the universe as we know it? We’d probably all be sleeping a lot more soundly if she’d only stuck to applied maths and the odd pillow fight. But no, sadly the lure of the proverbial rabbit hole proved just a tad too much. And now she’s taken the plunge, there’s no turning back.

Look out for tweets @harmony_kent, and follow my blog: to keep up to date with new book releases, promos, cover reveals and sneak peeks. Feel free to connect—I’d love to hear from you.

Find out more at:

Twitter: @harmony_kent


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